Sunday, 12 January 2014

This MIT 3D Shape-Shifting Project Called inForm Will Blow Your Mind

This technology is so jaw dropping, ten years ago these MIT students would’ve been looked at as aliens, 20 years ago, burned at the stake. inFORM, a new project that can reproduce digital content physically in 3D, which allows a user to interact with an object without being in it’s presence.

Inform can also be used for 3D demonstrations rendering physical bar graphs, models and fluid tangible experiences. The inFORM was developed by MIT PhD students Sean Follmer, Daniel Leithinger, and Professor Hiroshi Ishii, from MIT’s Tangible Media Group. Revolutionary steps when thinking of physical form science and architecture, being able to shape and mold an object without even being in the room.
“The traditional sort of interaction design and device design sort of assumes for a very static way of interacting and this [inFORM] device can change its physical form very quickly and that means that we need to come up with new ways that we interact with technology,” Follmer said.
But All this didn’t come cheap the inFORM contains 900 small motors which control each pin on it. Every pin works to render objects in 3D, and each motor costs anywhere from $20-30.
Behold Science.


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